Our HistoryOur History
The Skald is an important part of the Nordic culture, holding about the same place as the bard of Celtic culture.
Did you know?
The Atelier Skald was named in analogy to the origins of Julian who is born (the Bretons will have fun) of a long line of Normans.

For Julian, the adventure begins in the Alps with the creation of the Atelier Skald followed by the meeting with Alain and Michel Zana (cabinetmakers) with whom he starts his tour of France with different Master Craftsmen then chaining through a curriculum in musicology.

The meeting with Guillaume Lassauzé (Luthier) was a key passage in Julian's career, as much on the artisanal work as the human approach of the trade. A beautiful friendship was born in the chips of his workshop! the following years will follow other meetings rich in sharing and lessons especially with Jean Yves Toullelan (turner), various blacksmiths, woodcutters ...)

After several trainings, Audrey joined Atelier Skald, specializing in finishes and varnishes. Julian's partner in the Atelier as in life, Audrey will launch a real revolution in the approach of the Workshop, bringing a feminine look to the book that will now be the hallmark of Atelier Skald.

En 2012, Julian et Audrey consacrent leurs études en musicologie à l’énigmatique Psaltérion en écu de Puivert : un instrument rarissime dont l’unique représentation connue jusqu’alors est considérée comme symbolique. Lors du colloque de Puivert (2014) les deux jeunes archéo-luthiers présenteront en conférence leurs travaux mettant en lumière de nouvelles données ainsi qu’une nouvelle reconstitution de l’instrument. S’en suivra la réalisation d’un mémoire adapté par la suite en ouvrage -Précis, Le Psaltérion en écu – préfacé par Gisèle Clément, Dr en Musicologie.

In 2013, with the support of the chatelain, the two luthiers move heaven and earth, save and organize, for two years, the International Encounters of violin and historical music of Puivert which will now gather nearly 20 international luthiers and will open every year a symposium held by a dozen specialists in musicology. To conclude this Festival, 8h marathon concert covering a chronology of 5000 years of musical history »

The year begins strongly for the two luthiers who have just signed the release of a brand new instrument proposing the meeting of the Harp and the Lyre. This new creation did not go unnoticed in the national press (Keltia Magazine, West France national back cover). Made of amaranth, with a specially developed electro-acoustic system, this extraordinary instrument was set with silver and jewels by the Grain Dryade workshop. A presentation was made during an evening event preceded by a dream ceremony led by the storyteller Ozégan and which was to baptize the instrument. There followed a unique concert / show in front of a warm audience and the sound of the Harp / Lyre played by his godmother Anne Auffret accompanying the Patrik Ewen Patron, and his famous Barbarian stories.

In 2014, the end of a first cycle of research devoted to the lyre and which resulted in one of the great prides of the Atelier, the official recognition of Lyre Gauloise and the acquisition of several instruments by the region, to open the first class devoted to lyre in music school; class which Julian will teach. (a small step for the man ...)

In 2015, the pair of luthiers founded the PRIAE (Research and Interpretation Center in Experimental Archeology) made up of many multidisciplinary and international specialists to study the musical practice of the Iron Age in the Middle Ages.

2016 will undoubtedly be under the sign of excitement! The Skald Workshop will be particularly sought after internationally for its conferences and will incorporate several exhibitions such as Austrasia - The Forgotten Merovingian Kingdom, or - The First Cities of the West which will present the Gallic stele from the bard to the lyre as well as many rare objects and during which will be presented in conference the latest research conducted on the lyre at the Archaeological Museum of Jublains and the Museum of Folk Art of St Brieuc but also the Archaeological Museum of Constance (DE) etc ...

Filming of the first clip of Ar Bard group founded by Julian. The title Luskellerez transmitted by the singer Anne Auffret will be portrayed by the director Timmy Macquaire and with the participation of Gallic reenactment companies Brittany-Aremorica and Teuta Osismi. This historical and dreamlike clip will be previewed in the cinema of the arche park of Vannes in the presence of many guests, elected officials and artistic personalities.
2017 Janvier

2017 will also be the year of the media and Lyra will be in the spotlight! After France 5 and its flagship show "The 100 Places to see", France 3 comes knocking on the door of the workshop and offers our luthiers to telescope Gallic lyre in front of 1 million viewers in a program programmed at 20:50 devoted to the craft and the transmission.

2017 will be a pivotal year! Our luthiers continue their international tour of conferences and intervene at the Alamanian Museum of Ellewangen where their expertise on the Merovingian lyres is requested. A lecture will be held in the auditorium of the National Archeology Museum of St Germain en Laye, introduced by its director Hilaire Multon, during which the two luthiers presented the experimental archeology protocol they have developed in order to reconstruct some instruments.

In order to make the instrument of bards accessible to all budgets, luthiers are a crazy challenge: create a new line of Gallic lyres and offer for rent for the symbolic price of a mobile phone subscription. This project will be a major investment but will be a great success, and internationally.

After three years of teaching in the first class of Gaulish Lyre in music school, Julian and Audrey are facing a growing demand. With a specially adapted educational program and a tablature system developed for the Lyre Gauloise, Julian and Audrey founded the Lyre Academy which today offers classes in several antennas.
2017 Novembre

The year 2017 will also be the year of the launch of the band Ar Bard, created by Julian and which will make Gallic lyre, the central axis of his artistic universe with ancestral colors and at the same time very Rock! Entitled Arémorica, Men, Kings and Gods, the release of the first Album will not go unnoticed and will be greeted by the national press (Le Parisien, 20 minutes, One Day in France, West France, RTL, EUROPE1 France Blue.)
2018 Mai

The Luthiers of Skald Workshop lead the team of P.R.I.A.E which will lead to the Regional Service of Archeology, the mission of 3D digitization of the Gallic stele from Bard to Lyre (1st century BC). In partnership with CRT (the organization that previously digitized Gavrinis cairn), they produce a document of unparalleled precision bringing a new light to this artifact that is at least two millennia old and contains the most remarkable representation of lyre. uncovered from the Gallic people.

Printemps 2019, Julian et Audrey dirige l’Infinity Project qui fera la lumière sur un instrument de légende appartenant à un musicien non moins légendaire: La Telenn Gentañ, la première harpe d’Alan Stivell. L’objectif de cette mission est double : d’une part, scanner l’instrument afin de percer les secrets de sa fabrication, et d’autre part, le numériser en 3D et ainsi immortaliser l’instrument qui aura révolutionné le monde de la musique celtique.

Lancement de l’exposition – INFINITY PROJECT consacré à la première harpe d’Alan Stivell en partenariat avec le Festival Interceltique de Lorient. 15 visuels grand format, réalisés par la photographe Laureen Keravec, permettront au public de la 59ème édition du festival de plonger au cœur de l’aventure et de découvrir comme jamais, cet instrument de légende.
2020 Septembre

C’est à la fin de l’été 2020 que Julian et Audrey dirigent une nouvelle mission du P.R.I.A.E au Musée Archéologique de Cologne (DE) ici consacrée à un énigmatique chevalet de lyre découvert dans une sépulture mérovingienne au siècle dernier. Cette étude complète permettra de mieux comprendre et de reconstituer ce rarissime artefact.